News 1

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Positive first tests for the « Team FJ – Sodemo RX » Megane

The new « Team FJ – Sodemo RX » Rallycross team unveiled its war horse: the Megan RX Supercars’ first test was very positive.

Officially launched in April, the Rallycross “Team FJ – Sodemo RX” structure presented its new car: the Megane RX Supercar. “It is a very good looking car, with an aggressive line,” said Sodemo representative Guillaume Maillard. “The engine is, at present, a 1.6 litres Turbo, developing 530 HP. It is a racing lab, on which we’ll test parts and procedures aiming at a cost reduction for Supercar engines, preserving a an excellent level of performance. We are at the beginning of the development and the goal is eventually to present this solutions to the Supercar market, with an engine size that will change based on regulations.”

Team FJ, in charge of the chassis development, choose for this ambitious program to cooperate with Jean-Claude Vaucard, the renowned all-conquering engineer that won in the WRC, at the Dakar and at Le Mans. “It is a great pleasure to work with Jean-Claude”, said Jérome Galpin, Team FJ’s president. “His experience and his skills are incredible and I know very few persons as passionate as him! We already worked together in rallying and on our NASCAR cars, so it seemed perfectly natural to work together again on the Rallycross project.”

The first tests took place yesterday on the Chateauroux track and provided a positive feedback. “We are satisfied with this first outing because the car is born well!” declared Jérome Galpin. ”Guillaume was forced to stay at the office, so it was my turn to take the wheel… for my pleasure! It is easy to drive and very responsive to the setup changes we tried. It is very encouraging for the future.”

Unfortunately, a technical problem with the turbo took the test to an early end, also forcing to cancel plans to debut this weekend in the Pont de Ruan race, valid for the French Championship. “Nothing strange”, confirmed Guillaume Maillard and Jerome Galpin. “It is part of the development and all our crew will keep working for the next test… and the first race.”

Contact Team FJ
Jerome GALPIN : +33 –
Office : +33